To be a shoo-in for manufacturing employment in the past, you needed a strong back, reliable hands, and tenacity for a job well done. The manufacturing sector has entered the technological age, however, which requires your skill sets to evolve. The qualities that made you valuable to manufacturing headhunters before may not serve you as well today. For your resume to stand out, you need to be quick on your feet and ready to move with the punches. It also helps to have six key attributes, which are all laid out below.
6 Attributes That Can Help You Score a Manufacturing Job
Manufacturing workers need to be quick on the draw. When a problem happens, you can’t always rely on a supervisor to save the day. You may need to take matters into your own hands as you figure issues out and present viable solutions. Hiring managers want workers in manufacturing that can make sound decisions at a moment’s notice, despite complications occurring big or small.
Being able to communicate with your team is an invaluable skill as a manufacturing employee. You’ll be seen as more of a team player who is able to get along with others. Effective communication allows you and your team to work together toward a common goal, the continued success of the company.
The ability to see defects and problems before they grow out of control is critical in manufacturing, now and in the past. Manufacturing projects focus on speed and precision, which requires detail-oriented employees to keep the conveyor line moving. Whether you’re on the line or operating heavy machinery, a lot can go wrong. Being able to spot stray issues on the fly could save a project or even save lives.
Technological Proficiency
As technology becomes more advanced, the tools it creates continue to permeate every aspect of our lives. You can expect all levels of manufacturing jobs to have exposure to some level of technology. Hiring managers want to know that you have a desire and interest to learn more about the tech currently in use. Furthermore, they want to know that you are open to learning more about the tech to come. Curiosity and a willingness to adopt technology demonstrate long-term potential, which is key in helping your resume get noticed.
Manufacturing workplaces are expansive places that require employees to largely be autonomous, as supervisors cannot be everywhere at once. Employees who can demonstrate excellence without a supervisor standing over them will stand heads and shoulders above their peers. Hiring managers also want employees that show up a bit early or at least on time, and who are ready to work by the time they arrive.
If you can get a recommendation from a previous employer that you are loyal and dependable to a fault, that can sometimes be enough to score you an interview with a manufacturing hiring manager.
Manufacturing requires dozens of different tasks to be completed by numerous people. The ability to learn your tasks and others that may be needed can be important to any hiring manager. People may call out sick or take vacations. When you’re able to step in and take over for other team members, supervisors pay attention. Knowing other skill sets other than your own can also short-list you for management in the future.
Looking for a Job in Manufacturing?
These six characteristics can give you an advantage when looking for a job in manufacturing. However, you don’t need to possess all of them to get a good job and keep it long-term. If you have an interest in refining your skills and learning more about the various roles in the manufacturing industry, we encourage you to get started.
From entry-level roles to management and every role in between, there is a wide mix of opportunities that exist in a variety of industries. Reach out to MOR Talent Solution today to take your future career to the next level.